It’s tough being home-bound. The onslaught of COVID-19 has all of us concerned about the developments, locally and globally, more so, what will happen in the near future. As for those working remotely from home, your set-up might not be as ergonomically suitable as your set-up at the office. You are not following your normal routine, and for some, your gym will have closed for the time being. What can you do to maintain your well-being during this challenging time?

Adapt to a New Rhythm

Our day-to-day habits may seem a bit unlike our normal habits, but that doesn’t imply that we should let go of our daily structure. There are indeed some benefits to value: not having to travel to work, therefore allowing you some extra shut-eye before having to get up. This means that you can start the day a bit more relaxed and feel more refreshed. Still − a warning − don’t let this benefit disrupt your internal clock too much. Stay within your reasonable hours of retiring to bed and waking up the next morning. Take any extra time to prepare a healthy breakfast or a delicious smoothie. You could also take a few minutes to break out your yoga mat and stretch, in preparation for the day.

Remain Active

Your gym might have closed, and you aren’t allowed to leave home, but there is a wealth of free online resources you could explore, from yoga to other more vigorous exercises you can do from your living room. The point is that physical activity is important, especially if you are sitting in front of your computer for long hours. Stand up and stretch. Or lie on the floor and push your shoulders back towards the floor just to prevent a hunched posture – but also, allowing you to centre yourself.

Keep in Touch – Telephonically

Switch the television off for a bit and reach out to family and friends, just giving them a call. As much as you might be feeling a bit alone and fearful about what is going on, so too, they might feel this way. They are very likely to appreciate your call as much as you do the calls of others to you.

Find a Distraction to Lessen the Tension

Don’t forget about little pleasures, such as a long soak in the tub with bubble bath, some relaxing music, that book you have always wanted to read, but have never had the time to get to, or streaming a series. Whatever you select to do, remain productive and enjoy every minute.

Eat Healthily

Being cooped up could lead you to graze or indulge in unhealthy snacks. Instead, opt for nutritious foods, and remember to drink enough water to stay hydrated. If you keep snacking on unhealthy foods, you will become mentally tired, and your chances of progressing into depression will increase. Rather stick to a healthy diet, and treat yourself to the occasional snack. You will feel so much better, being better able to deal with the stress of isolation.

Missing your massage treatments?

Our spas might be closed, but don’t worry − as soon as the lockdown restrictions are lifted, we will be waiting to allow you to enjoy a pamper again. While you wait, make sure that you stretch regularly. Don’t sit for too long − rather get up now and then. If you have bought any of our body and bath products, you should use these now. Our products were designed to offer you a spa feeling at home. Otherwise, you can start to call us for future bookings. More of all, remember − we are in this together, and soon we’ll be out of this together!